Derick Obeng and Saad Ahmed

Derick Obeng | Staten Island

Portrait by Saad Ahmed

Whatever Derick does is not to his own benefit. He is a devoted family man and he always helps his community no matter how dark times are. I wanted the light on his face to show that no matter what happens in Derick’s life, he always looks to the future and the positive outcome.


Cualquier cosa que Derick haga no es para su propio beneficio. Es un hombre de familia dedicado y siempre ayuda a su comunidad hasta en los momentos más oscuros. Quise que la luz en su rostro mostrara que, pase lo que pase en la vida de Derick, siempre mira hacia el futuro y al resultado positivo.

Saad Ahmed | The Bronx

Portrait by Derick Obeng

The key characteristics I got from him were family values, cultural connection and education. For the portrait, I asked “what changes you?” and “what brings out this quality in you?” His facial expression would change and I would take a photo.


Las características clave que identifiqué de él fueron los valores familiares, la conexión cultural y la educación. Para el retrato, le pregunté “¿qué te hace cambiar?” y “¿qué saca esta cualidad en ti?” Su expresión facial cambiaba y yo tomaba una foto.

Even though Staten Island is small and…on the outskirts of everything and we have to take the ferry to go everywhere. We still have multiple families and cultures down there. 

Derick Obeng

Saad is a photographer and active community volunteer with the Bronx Muslim Center, Alliance of Yemeni American Businesses, the Bronx Community Board. He also serves his neighbors through the community patrol team.

摄影师 Saad 旨在为邻居服务,他在许多社区组织里当志愿者,包括布朗克斯穆斯林中心、也门裔美国人企业联盟、布朗克斯社区委员会以及社区巡逻队。

Saad es fotógrafo y voluntario activo de la comunidad con el Bronx Muslim Center, Alliance of Yemeni American Businesses, y la Junta Comunitaria del Bronx. También sirve a sus vecinos como parte del equipo de patrulla comunitaria.

Derick is a generous and ambitious man who is always willing to improve himself, family and the community as a whole. He is the secretary of the Ghanaian Association of Staten Island and is always there for his Ghanaian community.

Always a helper, his greatest achievement to date is obtaining his nursing license. When he immigrated from Ghana, he first worked as a homecare attendant before pursuing nursing. He is now an RN in the neurology floor of Northwell Health in Staten Island. He is still pursuing higher education in order to use his experience and credentials to help Ghana’s healthcare system.

斯塔滕岛加纳协会书记Derick 愿意为社区服务。迄今为止,令他最骄傲的成就是获得护士执照,成为神经内科注册护士。将来他还愿意继续读书,以改进加纳的医疗系统。

Derick es secretario de la Ghanaian Association de Staten Island y siempre está dispuesto a ayudar a su comunidad.
Su mayor logro hasta ahora es obtener su licencia de enfermería. Ahora es Enfermero Titulado en neurología, y sigue avanzando en su educación superior para ayudar al sistema de salud de Ghana.