Gen Yama and Laith Alnatour

Gen Yama | Queens

Portrait by Laith Alnatour

I wanted to get a little bit deeper into his culture so I asked him to show me a couple of moves that he does with Buddhist prayer. I learned that our situations are very close together. I’m Palestinian and he’s from Tibet. So we’re both kind of under occupation. Them by China, us by Israel. That thing of wanting sovereignty or to have something that’s yours, that’s something that every human wants.

为了更深入地解他的文化,我要求了 Gen 给我演示一下佛教祈祷的姿势。我发现了我们社群面对的情况很相似,可以说我们的祖国都被占领——西藏由中国占领,而巴勒斯丹由以色列占领。追求宗主权,争取属于自己的东西, 那是全人类都可以理解的。

Quería profundizar un poco más en su cultura, así que le pedí que me mostrara un par de movimientos que hace con la oración budista. Aprendí que nuestras situaciones tienen mucho en común. Yo soy palestino y él es del Tíbet. Así que ambos estamos bajo ocupación. Ellos por China, nosotros por Israel. Eso de querer soberanía o tener algo que es tuyo, eso es algo que todo ser humano quiere.

Laith Alnatour | Brooklyn  

Portrait by Gen Yama 

Today I met a new friend and I feel very happy. Laith says that he will study hard. He wants to be a lawyer and he’ll help me and treat me well. Hearing that made me happy.

我今天很高兴,因为交到了一个新朋友,Laith 说他会努力读书,等他成为了律师后,会帮助我,我听了就很开心。

Hoy conocí a un nuevo amigo y me siento muy feliz. Laith dice que estudiará mucho. Quiere ser abogado y me ayudará y me tratará bien. Escuchar eso me hizo feliz.

Laith is a passionate and dedicated community member who has found a significant connection within the Arab American community. As an embodiment of empathy and action, Laith has devoted himself to a plethora of humanitarian initiatives, demonstrating a deep-rooted commitment to serving those in need. He believes in going beyond material aid, fostering a sense of belonging and community for those who claim this community as theirs. Whether through coordinating logistics, rallying volunteers, or personally distributing food packages, Laith’s commitment to serving his community is unwavering as he tries to find new and innovative ways to provide for his people.

属于美国阿拉伯裔社群的 Laith,怀着同情心与服务的精神,总在寻找新方法以接济他的社群,无论是通过安排物流、召唤志愿者、还是分发食品。

Con una conexión importante con la comunidad árabe-americana, Laith encarna la empatía y la acción al servicio de los necesitados. Ya sea coordinando la logística, reuniendo voluntarios o distribuyendo personalmente paquetes de alimentos, Laith tiene un fuerte compromiso con buscar nuevas e innovadoras maneras de proveer para su gente.

Born in Tibet, Gen Yama fled to India due to persecution from China. He pursued further education in Buddhism and to become a monk. He has much knowledge of Tibetan Buddhism and literature. After moving to New York City, he has continued to volunteer with the Tibetan Community of NY NJ because it “helps to keep our precious tradition and religion intact for our kids.”

Gen Yama 生于西藏,因中国政府的迫害而被迫逃往印度。他精通藏传佛教和藏语文学,正在纽约新泽西的西藏社区中心当志愿者 “为了我们孩子们保护宝贵的传统与宗教。

Nacido en el Tíbet, Gen Yama huyó a la India debido a la persecución de China. Tiene mucho conocimiento del budismo y la literatura tibetana, y es voluntario con Tibetan Community of NY NJ “para mantener intacta nuestra preciosa tradición y religión para nuestros hijos”.