Derek Yamato, Mafalda Cento and Noreen Ahsan Dou

Derek Yamato 朱錫輝 |Brooklyn 

Portrait by Mafalda Cento 

Derek is really a very wonderful person with a big heart. He loves to cook. When I asked him, “what would you like to do?,” he said ‘chef’. So I said to him, “if a very wealthy person would come to you and offer you a restaurant in Manhattan tomorrow for you to cook Chinese food, how would you feel?” And he was ecstatic. So I wanted to catch that joy.

Derek很了不起,他心怀慷慨,热爱烹饪。当我问他他想做什么,他回答说:“当厨师。”于是我问了他:“如果明天有一位富翁来找你,让你在曼哈顿开一家餐馆,让你做中餐,你会有什么感受?” 他欣喜若狂,我想拍摄的是那快乐。

Derek es realmente una persona fantástica con mucho corazón. Le encanta cocinar. Cuando le pregunté: “¿Qué te gustaría hacer?”, dijo “chef”. Así que le dije: “Si llegara una persona muy rica y te ofreciera un restaurante en Manhattan mañana donde pudieras servir comida china, ¿cómo te sentirías?”. Y se alegró tanto. Y yo quise captar esa alegría.

Mafalda Cento | Staten Island

Portrait by Noreen Ahsan Dou 

Mafalda is extremely proud of the work that she does with the organization of senior citizens who are passionate about art. Though her experience coming to the US from Italy at age 14 was challenging, she has come so far that when her children were off in college, she was able to step back and say, now it’s my time. I’ve always wanted to be an artist.

老年艺术爱好者组成的社区组织成员Mafalda 为她向这个组织做出的贡献而感到自豪。虽然年仅14岁从意大利移民到美国后困难重重,但是她已经走了很远。把孩子们都送到了大学之后,她后退了一步对自己说:我的时间到来了,我想当艺术家了。

Mafalda está extremadamente orgullosa del trabajo que realiza con la organización de personas mayores con una pasión por el arte. Aunque su experiencia al llegar a los Estados Unidos desde Italia a los 14 años fue difícil, ella ha llegado tan lejos que cuando sus hijos estaban en la universidad, ella pudo dar un paso atrás y decir, ahora es mi momento. Siempre quise ser artista.

Noreen Ahsan Dou | Brooklyn 

Portrait by Derek Yamato 

Though Noreen started from scratch when she moved to Brooklyn, she is full of hope and expectation. Both my partners have passion and a very positive outlook. I used to live in my own world, but talking to my partners today shows me that a good life requires active exploration, opening your heart to others and speaking out your thoughts.

虽然 Noreen 搬来布鲁克林时,要从零开始,但是她一直保持希望。我的两位伙伴都充满热情,保持积极态度,过去的我一直生活在自己的世界里,但今天与伙伴们的交流让我意识到:美好的生活需要积极探索,向他人敞开心扉,畅所欲言。

Aunque Noreen comenzó desde cero cuando se mudó a Brooklyn, está llena de esperanza y expectativa. Mis dos colaboradoras muestran mucha pasión y actitudes positivas. Yo solía vivir en mi propio mundo, pero hablar hoy con mis compañeras me muestra que una buena vida requiere exploración activa, abrir tu corazón a otras personas y expresar tus pensamientos.

Born and raised in NY’s Dutchess County, Noreen spent a few years on the West Coast before moving to Brooklyn where she lives today. The time away helped give her a stronger appreciation for the friends & family she now sees so frequently, getting to share in both small and big moments, celebrations and challenges. She’s an enthusiastic NYPL member (can’t get enough of the digital offerings) and loves all kinds of fiber arts from embroidery to crochet to hand knitting.


Nacida y criada en el condado Dutchess de Nueva York, Noreen pasó años en la Costa Oeste antes de mudarse a Brooklyn. Ese tiempo lejos le dio un mayor aprecio por sus amistades y familiares. Es una usuaria entusiasta de NYPL y le encantan las artes de la fibra.

Derek is an immigrant from China who has lived near 86th street in Brooklyn for 7 years. He is a student of culinary arts at Kingsborough Community College. His hobbies are reading history books and documentaries about cooking and food. His wish now is to be a great chef and bring smiles to people with food.


Derek es un inmigrante de China que ha vivido en Brooklyn 7 años. Estudia artes culinarias y sus hobbies son leer libros de historia y ves documentales sobre cocinar y comida.

Mafalda‘s love for art started when she was 5 years old. She was born in Rome, Italy and has been a Staten Islander for the last 50 years. She had limited art training, but began her journey by experimenting with watercolors, then oils, acrylics and pastels. Her work has been exhibited throughout the Metropolitan area and received several awards. She is a long-time member and president of the South Shore Artist Group & Foundation.

Mafalda 的艺术之旅始于5岁,她尽管只受到有限的艺术培训,但是善于多种媒介,包括最早学会的水彩,还有油画、丙烯和粉彩。她的作品曾在纽约地区多处展出,并多次获奖。

El amor de Mafalda por el arte comenzó cuando tenía 5 años. Tuvo una formación artística limitada, pero comenzó su trayecto experimentando con acuarelas, luego óleos, acrílicos y pasteles. Su obra ha sido expuesta en toda el área metropolitana y ha recibido varios premios

“I paint, because if I didn’t, I wouldn’t be complete. I never know when or where the inspiration will come but when it does, I follow that feeling which takes me through a creative journey. Painting for me means total expression……it’s instinctive and emotional. But in essence, it’s life’s force that continues to inspire me.”