Masarrat Rashid Apsara and Shoshana Vogel

Shoshana Vogel | Staten Island

Portrait by Masarrat Rashid Apsara

Shoshana is very lively, happy and joyful. So, instead of taking a picture while she was looking straight at the camera, I took a picture while she was talking and smiling to show the real her. Shoshana is also very caring because she moved back to New York City to take care of her mom who was slowly going blind.

Shoshana 又活跃又开心,因此我没有让她直视镜头,而是在说话微笑的瞬间拍下了照片,为了表现更真实的她。Shoshana 很善良,她之所以搬回纽约是为了照顾逐渐失去视力的母亲。

Shoshana es muy animada, feliz y alegre. Entonces, en lugar de tomar una foto mientras ella miraba directamente a la cámara, tomé una foto mientras hablaba y sonreía para mostrarla verdaderamente como es. Shoshana también es muy cariñosa porque regresó a NYC para cuidar a su madre que lentamente estaba perdiendo la vista.

Masarrat Rashid Apsara | Brooklyn

Portrait by Shoshana Vogel

Well, she’s brilliant. That’s the thing that just stuck out. Very quick, very curious. She is a dancer and a singer, and she really likes to write. She’s got lots of books that are full to the brim with writing. I wanted to capture her moves because she’s been studying cultural dance for many years.


Bueno, ella es brillante. Eso es lo que más resalta. Muy lista, muy curiosa. Es bailarina y cantante, y le gusta mucho escribir. Ella tiene muchos libros que están repletos de escritura. Quise captar sus pasos porque ha estudiado danza cultural durante muchos años.

Shoshana is a lifelong musician, and member of the Grand Pepper of Reality band. She is an activist and cultural organizer, and seeker of truth and justice. She is a meditator and music teacher to kids. She is currently a leadership development organizer with Jews for Racial and Economic Justice, fighting for a better NYC.

Shoshana 从来都爱好音乐、目前是 “现实的大辣椒” (Grand Pepper of Reality) 乐队的成员。她追求着真理和正义,是活动家、文化组织者、以及儿童音乐老师,现任支持种族经济正义犹太人 (JFREJ) 非盈利机构的组织者,除此之外她还练习静坐冥想。

Shoshana es una música de toda la vida, y es parte del grupo musical Grand Pepper of Reality. Es activista, organizadora cultural, buscadora de la verdad y la justicia, meditadora y profesora de música para niños. Actualmente es organizadora con Jews for Racial and Economic Justice.

Masarrat lives in Little Bangladesh in Kensington, Brooklyn. She is involved in the Bangladesh Institute of Performing Arts, where she learns about Bengali culture through dance, singing, art, literature and Bangla theater. She likes art, loves reading and often draws on her homework.

Masarrat 生活在布鲁克林肯辛頓的小孟加拉,在孟加拉表演艺术学院通过舞蹈、唱歌、艺术、文学以及戏剧去深入学习孟加拉文化。她喜欢艺术和读书,并习惯在功课上画图。

Masarrat vive en Little Bangladesh en Kensington, Brooklyn. Está involucrada en el Bangladesh Institute of Performing Arts, donde aprende sobre la cultura bengalí a través de la danza, el canto, el arte, la literatura y el teatro bengalí. Le gusta el arte, le encanta leer y a menudo dibuja en su tarea escolar.