Lisa Wade and Victoria Hofmo

Lisa Wade | Queens  Portrait by Victoria Hofmo  She is intelligent and wise and has a serious side in the sense of getting things accomplished, but also a really good sense of humor. She has such a rich, layered life. She’s trying new things. She volunteers a lot. She’s very much into historic preservation and…… Continue reading Lisa Wade and Victoria Hofmo

Annie Zhou and Duane Joseph

Duane Joseph | Brooklyn  Portrait by Annie Zhou In loving memory ofDuane Joseph September 19, 1978 – August 7, 2023 Duane is extremely humble. Don’t take it at face value when he says he just does a little bit in the community because he does a lot in the community. He’s worked and volunteered at all…… Continue reading Annie Zhou and Duane Joseph

Gen Yama and Laith Alnatour

Gen Yama | Queens Portrait by Laith Alnatour I wanted to get a little bit deeper into his culture so I asked him to show me a couple of moves that he does with Buddhist prayer. I learned that our situations are very close together. I’m Palestinian and he’s from Tibet. So we’re both kind…… Continue reading Gen Yama and Laith Alnatour